Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pears? Safe Portion Recommendation

Have you ever wondered if guinea pigs can eat pears and it will be as healthy and good as for humans? I did!

Guinea pigs can safely eat pears only in moderation due to high sugar content. A slice or two once a week is enough.

Pears are great as a treat or as part of 2% fruit portion of their daily diet.

Note that only fresh pears are safe for guinea pigs.

Although pears are high in vitamins and nutrients, as other fruits, guinea pigs should eat them only in moderation to prevent issues with digestion and poop.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pears
Easy to remember checklist on feeding pears

Download: Safe Guinea Pig Food List & Forbidden Foods

What vitamins and other nutrients do pears contain?

Pears are rich in vitamin C which helps guinea pigs’ immune system, as well as some minerals, fiber and water.

Nutrientsper 100 grper 15 gr (guinea pig serving)
Calories63 kcal9.5 kcal
Protein0.38 g0.05 g
Fat0.16 g0.02 g
Carbohydrate15.1 g2.3 g
Fiber3.1 g0.47 g
Sugar9.69 g1.5 g
Calcium8 mg1.2 mg
Phosphorus10 mg1.5 mg
Magnesium5.7 mg0.86 mg
Potassium87 mg13 mg
Vitamin C4.4 mg0.66 mg
Vitamin K3.8 µg
Water 83.96 g
Source: USDA Food Database


Pears contain mostly insoluble fiber and a little bit of soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber is vital for guinea pigs as it maintains healthy gut movements. Hay has the same function so in this regard pears has a big benefit for guinea piggies.

Soluble fiber is what breeds good gut bacteria and is also mega important for cavies. They digest food “twice” by eating their own poop so having the right gut biome is key to a healthy piggy.


The most important vitamin for guinea pig life and health is vitamin C – it prevents scurvy – weakness and immobility, or even death.

While pears contain Vitamin C, this amount is not enough for the daily dose for cavies – only 4.4 mg.

Considering that we can only give pears once a week, they cannot be a reliable source of vitamin C. I prefer leafy greens and bell peppers.

Pears also have a tiny bit of another vital vitamin for guinea pigs – 3.8 µg of Vitamin K. Vit K helps maintain good blood quality and normal blood clotting.


100 gr of pears have a little bit of minerals like potassium, copper, phosphorus, and magnesium.

While the amounts are very small, combined with other foods rich in these minerals, pears work well to maintain healthy bones, muscles, nerve function, and brain activity.


Water is very important for guinea pigs’ health.

They get it from drinking fresh water and from vegetables and fruits. Pears are great in that matter as they contain lots of water.

But they cannot be the only source of water as they also contain lots of sugars. If you are choosing a vegetable or fruit rich in water with low risks – pick cucumber.

Low in calcium

Foods lower in calcium are good for guinea pigs, especially for older ones.

While they are babies and young, calcium is great for bone development. But with age, it can cause urinary issues like kidney or bladder stones.


Pears’ flesh and especially skin are very rich in antioxidants – free radicals maintaining healthy young cells in human and guinea pigs’ bodies.

Antioxidants can make sure your cavy lives not just healthy but longer!

Different types of pears contain many different types of antioxidants that are scientifically proved to be beneficial for health, for ex., phenolic acids, flavonols, anthocyanins, etc.

They stop inflammation, maintain cells and brain health, reduce risks of certain diseases, including heart disease and cancer, and can even improve eyesight.

Downsides of feeding pears to guinea pigs

Eating too much pears for guinea pigs may result in an unbalanced diet and unhealthy poop.

  • The acidity from pears can cause sores in guinea pigs’ mouths.
  • One of the most evident risks is the choking hazard as we will give small slices and pieces to the piggy and it can bite a big piece and choke on it.
  • But the worst risk of feeding pears to guinea pigs is sugar.

Pears are sweet fruits and high levels of sugars are not safe nor healthy for guinea pigs.

Sugar will eventually cause obesity, or even diabetes which shortens cavy’s life and reduces its quality significantly.

Also, high sugar content will create imbalance in diet, resulting in diarrhea or digestive issues.

  • This is also the reason why baby guinea pigs can not have pears in any form – their little bodies cannot handle this amount of sugar. Only piggies over 4 weeks old can eat fruit.

Can guinea pigs eat skin on a pear?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat skin on pears if it is thoroughly washed as it is very high in antioxidants.

Many modern pears bought in supermarket were in contact with pesticides. If the pears are from your garden, you can be certain it is safe.

If you bought pears, wash them well before feeding your guinea pig.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pears

Can guinea pigs eat seeds in a pear?

Remove seeds from pears before feeding your guinea pigs. Seeds are not safe for guinea pigs and should be avoided!

On the side note, guinea pigs can eat pear tree leaves with no issues.

How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pears?

Guinea pigs can eat 1 or 2 slices of pears without core and seeds per week.

Not daily, not the whole pear, not instead of normal diet of hay and vegetables. Fruits, like pears are seen more like treats than necessity for piggies.

Serving pears, make sure other fruits and vegetables served the same day are not as high in sugars.

How to serve pears for guinea pigs?

When introducing new food and serving fruits like pears, try to follow simple rules:

  1. Wash very thoroughly to make sure no dirt or pesticides are left on skin if you will give the pear with skin.
  2. Remove core and seeds. Do not serve rotten fruit.
  3. Prepare 1 small slice for your guinea pig to try and eat.
  4. If guinea pig is not interested or finished eating the pear, remove the leftovers so they don’t rot in the cage.

Never serve cooked, marinated,frozen or anyhow processed pears to your guinea pigs.

Do guinea pigs like pears?

Guinea pigs can have personal preferences and while some love to nibble on pears, many prefer apples, cucumbers and carrots over pears.

Try with a small piece and if not switch to healthier alternatives, including greens like kale.

More Fruits and Vegetables That Guinea Pigs Can Eat

Did you know that guinea pigs can also eat parsnips in moderation but no nuts?

I have a complete list of all the safe and dangerous fruits and vegetables that guinea pigs can and cannot eat, check out my article, Safe Guinea Pig Food List & Forbidden Foods.

Does your guinea pig likes pears?

I know some cavies dislike it but some prefer it to hay! What is your experience with it?

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